ScrollList Classified Listing Special offer!

Get your business seen by more customers!

Claim your Classified Business Listing today.

Classified Business Listing Special Offer Ends in








Money Back Guarantee*

(Available for Basic Business Listing Plan Only)

Experience our Digital Marketing Services for just ₹1500/year. If you’re not satisfied, we offer a hassle-free refund—no questions asked. We will refund your subscription fee, deducting only GST, transaction, and processing charges.

*Refundable Amount: ₹1125/-
Refund Processed: After the subscription expiry date

How to Get Your Refund
If you choose not to renew your subscription after the first year, we’ll send you a refund request form. Once we receive the completed form along with your payment details, your refund will be processed within 7 days.

Important Notes
This money-back guarantee applies only to the first year of your subscription.
Upon refund, your listing will be removed from our website, and any SEO benefits gained through ScrollList will be lost.

Start your Business Listing with confidence today!

ScrollList - Marketing That Works!

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