ScrollList Business Listing Plans - FAQ

Who can benefit from a ScrollList Business Listing?

ScrollList offers a powerful platform for a variety of users seeking to boost their online presence:

Businesses of All Sizes: Whether you’re a small business or a larger enterprise ScrollList can help you reach new customers and showcase your offerings.

SEO Agencies & Professionals: ScrollList can be a valuable tool for SEO agencies and individual SEOs looking to enhance their clients’ digital marketing strategies.

Here’s how ScrollList benefits you:

Save Time & Effort: Avoid the hassle of creating and maintaining the listings.
Maximum Exposure: Reach a wider audience of potential customers actively searching for businesses like yours.
Consistency is Key: Ensure consistent and accurate business information across the web for better search engine results.
Boost Your Online Presence: Increase your business’s visibility and establish a strong online reputation.
Attract More Leads: Generate more qualified inquiries and leads from potential customers.

Ready to shine online? Consider a ScrollList Business Listing to elevate your digital marketing strategy!


Is ScrollList providing free Business Listing?

No free Business Listing available on ScrollList.

Here’s why:

Individual Attention: We dedicate time to each listing, crafting SEO and marketing strategies specific to your business needs.
Limited Listings per Category: To ensure quality and focus, we restrict the number of listings within each category.
Platform & Operational Costs: Maintaining the platform, design, development, and marketing requires ongoing investment.

By investing in ScrollList, you gain a personalized approach to boosting your online presence.

Where can I find my ScrollList Business Listing?

Your ScrollList Business Listing shines brightly on the main platform at This is where potential customers can discover your business and learn more about what you offer.

Does ScrollList include all categories?

Not necessarily. We focus on showcasing categories that align with our current marketing strategies. This ensures a curated experience for both businesses and users.

Want to know if your category is included? Simply contact our team and they’ll be happy to confirm!

What is a 'Classified Business Listing'?

A Classified Business Listing on ScrollList is a starter plan designed to kickstart your marketing efforts for just ₹125/Year (including GST). This plan allows you to easily add your business to our directory and provides basic features to get you noticed. You can upgrade to a more comprehensive plan at any time for additional features and benefits.

Classified Business Listing Features:

Category-Wise Listing: Your business will be placed in a relevant category for easy discovery by potential customers.
Up to 3 Target Keywords: Optimize your listing with keywords that describe your business and help you get found in searches.
Common Page Design: A streamlined design ensures your listing is clear and informative.
Direct Contact Number: Include your contact details so interested customers can easily reach you.
Category Page Promotion: Your business will be included in relevant category page promotions, increasing visibility.


Why is the starter plan, 'Classified Business Listing,' offered at the cheapest rate of ₹125/Year?

The ‘Classified Business Listing’ starter plan is designed to be an easy and affordable way for you to get started with our platform. It allows you to try our listing service at a significantly reduced price.

What happens after my 'Classified Business Listing' plan expires?

After your Classified Business Listing plan expires, your listing will remain visible for an additional month. This grace period allows you time to renew your plan or upgrade to a different option.

Here’s what happens after that month:

Your listing will be deactivated and no longer be visible on ScrollList.
Customers won’t be able to find your business through searches or category pages.

Any SEO benefits associated with your listing will be lost.
Since ScrollList includes SEO optimization as part of the Classified Business Listing plan, your listing would have been optimized with relevant keywords to improve search engine ranking. Once your listing is deactivated, these SEO benefits will disappear. This means your business will be less likely to show up in search results for relevant terms, potentially impacting your online visibility.

To maintain your listing’s visibility and SEO benefits, you can:

Renew your Classified Business Listing plan.
Upgrade to a plan with more features and a longer listing duration, which may also include more robust SEO optimization.


What is a 'Basic Business Listing'?

This plan empowers you to showcase your business to a wider audience, propelling you ahead of the competition.

Here’s a breakdown of what sets it apart:

Stand Out from the Crowd: Secure a coveted spot among only 25 listings in your category, guaranteeing prime visibility.
Featured Listing: Enjoy premium placement for maximum impact, attracting potential customers who are actively searching for businesses like yours.
Dedicated Business Page: Craft a unique page that tells your brand story, highlighting your offerings and captivating visitors.
Targeted Reach: Harness the power of up to 5 relevant keywords to ensure your business appears in search results for what customers are looking for.
Visual Appeal: Showcase your business with a captivating banner, up to 5 high-quality photos, and even a video to truly engage potential customers.
Seamless Communication: Provide all the necessary contact details, including WhatsApp, email, and website links, for effortless customer interaction.
SEO Boost: Get a head start with basic SEO optimization, helping your business rank higher in search engine results.
Limited Availability: Don’t miss out! With only 25 slots available per category, this exclusive offer won’t last forever.

Yearly Investment: ₹1500 (GST Included)

Ready to unlock a world of online opportunities? Secure your ‘Basic Business Listing’ today!

What Happens After My 'Basic Business Listing' Expires?

Keeping Your Business Shining on ScrollList

Your ‘Basic Business Listing’ is a powerful tool for online success. But what happens when it reaches its expiration date? Don’t worry, ScrollList has you covered with a smooth transition:

Graceful Downgrade (1 Year):
Enjoy continued visibility for 1 year as a ‘Classified Business Listing’. This gives you ample time to decide on renewal or explore an upgrade.

After 1 Year:
Your listing will be deactivated and no longer appear on ScrollList.
Customers won’t be able to find your business through searches or category browsing.
SEO benefits associated with your listing will be lost. Optimized keywords will no longer help your ranking, potentially impacting online visibility.

Maintaining Your Online Presence:
To ensure your business remains discoverable and well-ranked:
Renew your ‘Basic Business Listing’ plan.
Upgrade to a higher tier plan for extended visibility, additional features, and potentially stronger SEO optimization.

Remember: Renewing or upgrading ensures your business continues to shine on ScrollList, attracting new customers and maintaining your online presence.

What is a 'Standard Business Listing'?

The ‘Standard Business Listing’ is designed to propel your business to new heights of online visibility.

Here’s what elevates your online presence:

Exclusive Exposure: Secure one of only 10 coveted slots in your category, guaranteeing exceptional visibility.
Featured Listing: Enjoy premium placement for maximum impact, drawing in customers actively searching for businesses like yours.
Dedicated Standard Page: Craft a captivating page that tells your brand story, highlighting your offerings and converting visitors into loyal patrons.
Targeted Promotion: Reach a wider audience with up to 10 targeted keywords and tags, ensuring your business appears in relevant search results.
Individual Ad Support: Get dedicated advertising assistance to further amplify your online presence.
Visual Storytelling: Showcase your business with a stunning banner, up to 10 high-quality photos, and up to 5 videos to truly engage potential customers.
Seamless Communication: Provide all the necessary contact details, including WhatsApp, email, and website links, for effortless customer interaction.
SEO Boost: Get a head start with basic SEO optimization, helping your business rank higher in search engine results.
Cost-Effective Reach: Enjoy a larger audience at a competitive monthly cost compared to the yearly ‘Basic Business Listing’ plan.
Limited Availability: Don’t miss out! With only 10 slots available per category, this exclusive offer is in high demand.

Monthly Investment: ₹1250 (GST Included)

Ready to unleash the full potential of your online presence? Secure your ‘Standard Business Listing’ today!

What Happens After My 'Standard Business Listing' Expires?

Keeping Your Business Thriving on ScrollList

Your ‘Standard Business Listing’ has been a powerhouse for your online success. But what happens when it reaches its expiration date? We’ve got you covered with a seamless transition:

Graceful Downgrade (1 Year):

Continued Visibility: Relax, your listing will remain active for 1 year as a ‘Classified Business Listing’. This buffer period allows you ample time to decide on renewing or exploring an upgrade.

After 1 Year:
Listing Deactivation: Your listing will be deactivated and no longer be visible on ScrollList. This means customers won’t be able to find your business through searches or category browsing.
SEO Impact: SEO benefits associated with your listing will be lost. The optimized keywords that boosted your ranking will no longer be active, potentially impacting your online visibility.

Maintaining Your Online Dominance:

To ensure your business remains discoverable and well-ranked:

Renew your ‘Standard Business Listing’ plan. This is the simplest way to keep your online presence thriving.
Upgrade to a higher tier plan. Explore plans with extended visibility, additional features, and potentially even stronger SEO optimization for an even greater online impact.

Remember: Renewing or upgrading ensures your business continues to shine on ScrollList. Keep attracting new customers and maintain your online dominance with a continued plan.

What is a 'Premium Business Listing'?

The ‘Premium Business Listing’ is the pinnacle of online visibility on ScrollList.

Here’s what sets you apart as a premium business:

Exclusive Presence: Secure one of only 3 coveted slots in your category, guaranteeing unparalleled visibility.
Featured Listing: Enjoy premium placement for maximum impact, attracting a constant stream of customers actively searching for your offerings.
Detailed Business Page: Craft a comprehensive and captivating page that tells your brand story in detail, highlighting every aspect of your business and converting visitors into loyal customers.
Targeted Audience Reach: Expand your reach with up to 20 targeted keywords and tags, ensuring your business appears in a wider range of relevant search results.
Individualized Ad Support: Receive dedicated advertising assistance to craft a personalized marketing strategy and amplify your online presence.
Visual Storytelling Powerhouse: Showcase your business in stunning detail with a captivating banner, up to 50 high-quality photos, and up to 10 videos, allowing you to truly captivate potential customers.
Seamless Communication: Provide all the necessary contact details, including WhatsApp, email, and website links, for effortless customer interaction.
SEO Boost: Get a head start with basic SEO optimization, helping your business rank higher in search engine results.
Increased Inquiries: This plan is specifically designed to generate a significant increase in business inquiries, driving potential customers to your doorstep.
Limited Availability: Don’t miss out! With only 3 slots available per category, this exclusive offer is highly sought-after.

Monthly Investment: ₹5000 (GST Included)

Ready to dominate your online market? Secure your ‘Premium Business Listing’ today and unlock the full potential of your business!

What Happens After My 'Premium Business Listing' Expires?

Keeping Your Business Shining on ScrollList

Your ‘Premium Business Listing’ has been a driving force for your online success. But what happens when it reaches its expiration date? Don’t worry, ScrollList ensures a smooth transition:

Graceful Downgrade (1 Year):
Continued Visibility: Breathe easy! Your listing will remain active for 1 year as a ‘Classified Business Listing’. This grace period gives you ample time to decide on renewing or exploring an upgrade option.

After 1 Year:
Listing Deactivation: Your listing will be deactivated and no longer visible on ScrollList. This means customers won’t be able to find your business through searches or category browsing.
SEO Impact: SEO benefits associated with your listing will be lost. The optimized keywords that boosted your ranking will no longer be active, potentially impacting your online visibility.

Maintaining Your Online Powerhouse Status:
To ensure your business remains discoverable and well-ranked:
Renew your ‘Premium Business Listing’ plan. This is the simplest way to maintain your exceptional online presence.
Upgrade to a higher tier plan. Consider plans with extended visibility, additional features, and potentially even stronger SEO optimization for an even greater online impact.

Remember: Renewing or upgrading ensures your business continues to shine on ScrollList. Keep attracting new customers and maintain your online dominance with a continued plan.

What is an 'Ultra Premium Business Listing'?

The ‘Ultra Premium Business Listing’ is the epitome of online dominance on ScrollList.

Here’s how you reign supreme over your online competition:

Unmatched Exclusivity: Secure the singular coveted slot in your category, guaranteeing unparalleled visibility that sets you apart from all others.
Perpetual Featured Listing: Enjoy permanent premium placement, constantly attracting a relentless stream of customers actively searching for your offerings.
Unparalleled Brand Storytelling: Craft a meticulously detailed and captivating business page that comprehensively tells your brand story, highlighting every aspect of your business and converting visitors into loyal fans.
Ultimate Targeted Reach: Expand your reach to the maximum potential with unlimited keywords and tags, ensuring your business appears in every single relevant search result.
Hyper-Personalized Ad Support: Receive dedicated advertising assistance to craft a highly personalized marketing strategy that leverages in-depth audience insights to amplify your online presence beyond imagination.
Visual Storytelling Extravaganza: Showcase your business in stunning detail with a captivating banner, up to 100 high-quality photos, and up to 25 videos, allowing you to create an immersive and engaging experience for potential customers.
Seamless Communication: Provide all the necessary contact details, including WhatsApp, email, and website links, for effortless customer interaction.
SEO Boost: Get a head start with basic SEO optimization, helping your business rank higher in search engine results.
Exponential Business Inquiries: This plan is meticulously designed to generate an unprecedented surge in business inquiries, driving a constant flow of potential customers to your doorstep.
Limited Availability (Only 1 Slot per Category): Don’t miss out! This exclusive offer is highly coveted, with only one slot available per category.

Monthly Investment: ₹10000 (GST Included)

Ready to become the undisputed leader in your online market? Secure your ‘Ultra Premium Business Listing’ today and unlock the unparalleled power to dominate your industry!

What Happens After My 'Ultra Premium Business Listing' Expires?

Maintaining Your Unmatched Online Presence on ScrollList

Your ‘Ultra Premium Business Listing’ has been the driving force behind your online success. But what happens when it reaches its expiration date? We’ve got you covered with a seamless transition:

Graceful Downgrade (1 Year):

Continued Visibility: Relax! Your listing will remain active for 1 year as a ‘Classified Business Listing’. This buffer period gives you ample time to decide on renewing or exploring an upgrade option.

After 1 Year:
Listing Deactivation: Your listing will be deactivated and no longer be visible on ScrollList. This means customers won’t be able to find your business through searches or category browsing.

SEO Impact: The SEO benefits associated with your listing will be lost. The optimized keywords that boosted your ranking will no longer be active, potentially impacting your online visibility.

Maintaining Your Online Dominance:

To ensure your business remains discoverable and well-ranked:

Renew your ‘Ultra Premium Business Listing’ plan. This is the simplest way to maintain your exceptional online presence.
Consider plans with extended visibility, additional features, and potentially even stronger SEO optimization for an even greater online impact.

Remember: Renewing or upgrading ensures your business continues to shine on ScrollList. Keep attracting new customers and maintain your online dominance with a continued plan.

How Can I Pay for My ScrollList Listing?

Pay for Your ScrollList Listing Securely!

We accept Direct Bank Transfer and Google Pay. Contact us on 8281475397 for direct transfer details (we don’t share them here for security).

After paying, share your transaction details to 8281475397 or for faster listing activation!

Questions? Call 8281475397.

Refunds and Trial Options on ScrollList?

Currently, ScrollList does not offer refunds on purchased listing plans.

However, we understand the importance of trying a service before committing. That’s why we offer affordable starter and basic plans!

These plans allow you to experience the benefits of ScrollList and see if it’s the right fit for your business before upgrading to a higher tier.

Here’s what you can do:

Start with a Starter or Basic Plan: These plans offer a cost-effective way to test ScrollList’s features and gauge its effectiveness for your business.
Evaluate Your Results: Check the performance of your listing and see how it impacts your customer reach and engagement.
Upgrade with Confidence: Once you’re happy with the results, you can confidently upgrade to a higher plan for enhanced features and greater online visibility.

We recommend starting with a lower-tier plan to explore ScrollList’s value before committing to a higher investment.

If you have any further questions about our plans or pricing, please don’t hesitate to contact us!


How Long Does Listing Activation Take on ScrollList?

We prioritize getting your business online quickly! Here’s what to expect:

Activation Timeline:

Your listing activation on ScrollList typically happens within a week after we receive all the necessary details from you.

What Affects Activation Time:

Completeness of Information: The faster you provide all the required details for your listing, the sooner the activation process can begin.
Payment Verification: Once your payment is confirmed (especially for direct bank transfers where verification might take a few business days), activation moves forward swiftly.

We’ll Keep You Informed:

ScrollList will keep you updated on the progress of your listing activation. You’ll receive confirmation emails and notifications throughout the process.

We recommend:

Gather all your business information and listing details beforehand.
Consider using Google Pay for a potentially faster activation process.

If you have any questions or require further assistance with the activation process, please don’t hesitate to contact ScrollList!

Your ScrollList Listing Activation: Required Details

Activating your ScrollList business listing is a breeze! To ensure a smooth and efficient process, please provide the following details:

Essential Information:

Business Name & Address: Let potential customers know who you are and where to find you (physical or online).

Product/Service Details: Clearly describe what you offer to attract the right audience.

Contact Information: Make it easy for customers to connect with you through:
WhatsApp Number: Provide a readily available number for quick communication.
Email ID: Include a professional email address for inquiries.

Visual Appeal:
Logo: Upload your high-quality logo for brand recognition.
Website Address (Optional): Direct potential customers to your website for further information.

Enhancing Your Listing:
Photos & Videos (Optional): Showcase your products, services, and team with captivating visuals.
Offers (Optional): Highlight any special promotions or deals to attract customers.

Optional Details (for a richer listing):
Location: Allow customers to easily find your business on a map (if applicable).
Captions: Add catchy captions to your photos and videos for a more engaging experience.
Descriptions: Provide detailed descriptions of your products or services for better understanding.
Business Area: Specify your industry or niche to target relevant searches.

Ready to Get Started?

Simply send the details you have available from the list above to:
WhatsApp: 8281475397

The more information you provide, the more comprehensive and impactful your ScrollList business listing will be!

Don’t hesitate to contact ScrollList if you have any questions or require further assistance.

Can I Create My ScrollList Business Listing Directly on the Website?

Currently No Self-Service Listing Creation on ScrollList
While ScrollList doesn’t offer direct listing creation on their website at this time, there’s a good reason! Here’s why:

Personalized Attention for Exceptional Listings:
ScrollList prioritizes creating high-quality, custom-designed listings for each business. This includes:

Unique Design and Pages: They craft tailored pages specifically for your business, ensuring an impactful presentation.
Targeted Marketing Strategies: The ScrollList team develops personalized marketing plans to maximize your online reach.
Individualized Attention: They dedicate resources to understanding your business and creating a listing that reflects its unique value proposition.

Maintaining Quality Standards:
This approach ensures consistent quality across all ScrollList listings. By handling the creation process, they guarantee a high standard of presentation for every business they represent.

Simplified Process for You:
Simply provide the necessary details (covered in the previous Q&A!), and the ScrollList team will handle the rest. This allows you to focus on running your business while they work their magic on your online presence.

Ready to leverage ScrollList’s expertise?
Just gather the required information and send it to ScrollList. They’ll take care of creating a top-notch listing that showcases your business effectively!

Can I Update My Business Listing After It's Published on ScrollList?

Keeping Your ScrollList Listing Fresh: Updates and Edits

Absolutely! ScrollList understands that your business may evolve, and your listing should reflect that. Here’s how to ensure your listing stays up-to-date:

Requesting Changes and Updates:

Whenever you need to modify your ScrollList business listing, simply contact the ScrollList team. They’re happy to assist you with:

Updating Business Information: Ensure your contact details, offerings, or descriptions are current.
Adding Fresh Content: Incorporate new photos, videos, or special offers to keep your listing engaging.
Enhancing Visuals: Replace or add visuals to showcase your business in the best light.

Streamlined Communication:
You can easily reach the ScrollList team through:

WhatsApp: 8281475397

Keeping Your Listing Dynamic:

By proactively updating your listing, you can:
Maintain its accuracy and credibility.
Showcase new products, services, or promotions.
Keep your audience engaged with fresh content.

Remember, ScrollList is here to help! Don’t hesitate to contact them for any listing updates or modifications you require.

How can I temporarily hide my ScrollList Business Listing?

ScrollList doesn’t offer direct unpublishing of listings. However, you can contact our team to mark your listing as “closed,” effectively hiding it from search results.

Important Considerations:

Hidden from Search: While hidden, your listing won’t be discoverable through searches.
Expiry Date Unchanged: The expiry date set for your listing will remain the same.
SEO Impact: Hiding your listing will negatively affect its SEO performance. Search engines may de-emphasize or even remove inactive listings from search results over time.

Consider if completely hiding your listing is truly necessary. If you only need to make temporary changes to your listing information, updating your details on ScrollList might be a better option. This keeps your listing active and searchable, minimizing potential SEO drawbacks.

How can I remove my ScrollList Business Listing permanently?

To permanently delete your ScrollList business listing, you’ll need to contact the ScrollList team directly. They can help you with the removal process, but be aware of these important points:

Gone Forever: Once deleted, your listing and all associated data are permanently removed. There’s no way to recover this information.
No Refunds: Unfortunately, ScrollList doesn’t offer refunds for deleted listings.

Before You Delete:
Are you sure? Consider if there’s another option, like updating your listing information or marking it as “closed” (which hides it from searches but keeps your data).
Need Guidance? If you’re unsure about deleting, contacting the ScrollList team for advice is a good idea.

Can I get a new design for my ScrollList Business Listing page?

Absolutely! We prioritize your satisfaction with your listing’s design. While we typically ensure you’re happy before publishing, we understand design preferences can evolve. If you want to change the design during your listing’s subscription period, a one-time fee of ₹1500 applies.

Here’s the good news: Updating your listing’s content is always free! So, feel free to keep your information fresh without any additional charges.


Do you offer discounts for listing multiple businesses on ScrollList?

Currently, ScrollList doesn’t provide discounts for managing multiple listings. We treat each listing individually to ensure it receives the best possible exposure and results.

A focused, individual listing allows you to tailor the content and design to best represent each of your businesses. This can potentially lead to better results than a generic listing for multiple businesses.