Include ScrollList In Your Digital Marketing

Business Directory Listing

Business Directory Listing

Increase your business visibility and reach new customers. Get listed on ScrollList and dominate local search results. Attract more potential clients and boost your bottom line.

You can upgrade to Classified, Basic, Standard, Premium or Ultra Premium Business listing any time.

Unlimited Slot / Category
Category-Wise Listing
Under Basic Listing
Common Directory Page
Target Up to 1 Keyword
Basic SEO
Category-Wise Promotion
Add Photo/Logo Up to – 1
Add Videos – 0
Add WhatsApp
No Expiry

Business Directory Listing

Classified Business Listing

Save time and effort while expanding your online reach. Get listed on ScrollList to maintain a strong online presence, attract more leads, and convert them into customers.

You can upgrade to Basic, Standard, Premium or Ultra Premium Business listing any time.

Unlimited Slot / Category
GST Included
Category-Wise Listing
Under Basic Listing
Category Business Page
Target Up to 3 Keywords
Basic SEO
Category-Wise Promotion
Banner – 1
Add Photos/Posters Up to – 1
Add Videos – 0
Add WhatsApp
Status After Expiry – Remain for 1 Month as Classified

Business Directory Listing

Basic Business Listing

By listing your business on the category page for just ₹ 125 per month, your business can enjoy all the benefits of the page promotion.

Only 25 Slots / Category

Yearly Billing Only
GST Included
Category-Wise Listing
Featured Listing
Unique Basic Business Page
Target Up to 5 Keywords
Basic SEO
Category-Wise Promotion
Banner – 1
Add Photos/Posters Up to – 5
Add Videos – 1
Add WhatsApp, Email & Website
Status After Expiry – Remain for 1 Year as Classified

Business Directory Listing

Standard Business Listing

Yearly Billing ₹ 12000– Save ₹ 3000
Your business can reach more people at a lower monthly cost. Includes a landing page with your business information.

Only 10 Slots / Category

Monthly and Yearly Billing
GST Included
Category-Wise Listing
Featured Listing
Unique Standard Business Page
Target Up to 10 Keywords + Tags
Custom SEO
Individual Ad Support
Banner – 1
Add Photos/Posters Up to – 10
Add Videos Up to – 5
Add WhatsApp, Email & Website
Status After Expiry – Remain for 1 Year as Classified

Business Directory Listing

Premium Business Listing

Yearly Billing ₹ 48000– Save ₹ 12000

Increase your business inquiries. Includes a detailed business page and multiple keyword targeting.

Only 3 Slots / Category

Monthly and Yearly Billing
GST Included
Category-Wise Listing
Premium Listing
Unique Detailed Business Page
Target Up to 20 Keywords + Tags
Custom SEO
Individual Ad Support
Banner – 1
Add Photos/Posters Up to – 50
Add Videos Up to – 10
Add WhatsApp, Email & Website
Status After Expiry – Remain for 1 Year as Classified

Business Directory Listing

Ultra Premium Business Listing

Reach Beyond Your Target

Only 1 Slot / Category

Monthly Billing Only
GST Included
All Premium Listing Benefits + Extra Boost with
All Keywords + Tags
More Targeted Ads
Add Photos/Posters Up to – 100
Add Videos Up to – 25
The Only One Top Level Listing

*special offer with Classified Business Listing! Receive a custom-designed social media poster valued at ₹125 for free. 

Classified Business Listing Special Offer Ends in






